

郭達麟 Walk
2024年3月10日 11:00 am - 12:00 下午

雀仔街是一個江湖,五湖四海各路人馬: 煙不離手的元組級鳥販英姑、香港雀籠工 藝傳承人財叔、精通雀鳥擒拿術的貓哥…… 高手在民間,只要是愛雀之人,都會聚集在 這一條街上。雀仔街的的設計傳統,但懂 得靈活「執生」的鳥販,卻將格式化的建築 在地化。例如由於店面環境極小,檔主會 將一籠籠的雀鳥放在店前位置,亂中有序 的雀籠令窄巷充滿活力。今次導賞將由 《開雀籠》的作者帶大家漫步於吱吱咋咋 的後街小巷、熙來攘往的桂花香路、充滿 蟲蜢氣味的轉彎暗角,和這裡的人、雀和 建築來一場一期一會的周未之約,不是撚開 雀先可以入雀仔街,讓我們重新發掘香港 的文化 DNA。

Yuen Po Street Bird Garden is a community in the underworld, where people from all walks of life gather. There’s “Auntie Ying”, a skilled bird vendor who always has a cigarette in hand, “Uncle Cai”, a master of Hong Kong birdcage craftsmanship, and “Brother Cat”, an expert in capturing birds. The street is a haven for bird lovers, where skilled individuals come together. While it adheres to traditional design, the bird vendors bring a localized touch by creatively adapting the cramped space. Cages filled with birds are placed in front of the shops, creating an organized chaos that enlivens the narrow alleyways. Join us on a guided tour led by Dylan Kwok, the author of Open Birdcages, as we stroll through the bustling back alleys, the fragrant osmanthus roads, and the hidden corners filled with the scent of insects. Experience a unique encounter with the people, birds, and architecture of Sparrow Street, and rediscover Hong Kong’s cultural DNA.