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HKILF 2024 Recap

Jun 11, 2024

The Hong Kong International Literary Festival 2024 has created an abundance of extraordinary memories with an impressive lineup of 190 events, a total attendance of 1927, and 65 speakers, which included over 20 international guests. Let’s revisit a selection of the captivating events that encapsulated the joyous moments shared together!





 Opening Event 


“Working It” podcast host Isabel Berwick introduced her recent book The Future-Proof Career. She shared insights on how we can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of work to ensure long-term success in one’s career.


 Going Down-Under 


Australian authors Diana Reid and Ronnie Scott entertained us at breakfast with a lively discussion about writing complex women characters. The special IWD event explored the nuances of portraying multi-dimensional women in literature. At a separate lunch event Diana shared how she came to write her first novel during the pandemic and delved into the themes that emerge in her writing: self-actualisation, selfishness, desire, consent, love and family.

The Artistic Director of the Australian Ballet David McAllister explored life behind the curtain with Hong Kong Ballet’s own Septime Weber. His book Ballet Confidential dishes the dirt on wardrobe malfunctions, the pain of jockstraps and midshow injuries. During the weekend event moderated by Karen Kho, David dived further into his career as an internationally acclaimed dancer.


 Local Heroes 


Author Ritu Hemnani shared the inspiration behind her recently published story in verse Lion of the Sky. From her beginnings as a secondary English teacher through her involvement in TEDxTinHauWomen, we followed her exciting journey from amateur to author.

Artist, culturalist and storyteller Dylan Kwok delved into the fascinating world of traditional craftsmanship. As well as sharing the stories from his latest project Open Birdcages, Dylan showcased various birdcages and tools, allowing attendees to witness the artistry firsthand. Dylan also hosted a walk along Yuen Po Street Garden to meet some of the artists in the community.


 Culinary Delights 


Renowned food writer and cook Fuchsia Dunlop shared her knowledge of the world’s most sophisticated gastronomic culture. From her training as a chef at the Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine to publication of her latest book Invitation to a Banquet: The Story of Chinese Food she took guests on an epic journey of China’s culinary traditions.

Hong Kong media professional and author of Eat Well and The Taste of Hong KongLui Ka Chun, shared his passion for the culture and traditions of the cha chaan teng. Participants gathered at Tai On Tea House to hear various stories about  the food, operations and architectural style of these cafes which are essential to the daily lives of many Hong Kongers, all while enjoying a coffee and an egg tart!





 Feathered Friends 


Kids aged 3-10 joined palaeontologist and professor at the University of Edinburgh, Steve Brusatte to explore what dinosaurs actually looked like. They enjoyed creating their own visions of dinosaurs using templates and feathers.


 The Ink Trail 


Hong Kong-based Swedish artist Andreas Von Buddenbrock enthralled participants with his nature drawing using pencil and ink pens. Everyone walked away with their very own masterpiece!


 Write the Future 


Aspiring writers joined author Tristan Bancks and founder of Press Start Academy Vince Siu to explore how to create worlds of  science-fiction and fantasy using technology. Budding authors also learned how to write for children and get it published from four established female writers: Siobhan McDermottJessixa BagleyRitu Hemnani, and Dora Tsang.




HKILF celebrated International Women’s Day alongside Room to Read with a special lunch with Vietnamese author Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai. The author of 12 books of poetry, fiction and non-fiction had the audience mesmerised with her writing process and creative mission, as well as entertaining with traditional Vietnamese singing.


It’s a Wrap! 


Local and international artists celebrated a successful festival with everyone involved–much fun was had, useful contacts were shared and many lasting friendships were made. Thanks to all who helped to keep the spirit of reading alive in Hong Kong!